Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sanctuary Is Returning to Cleveland: Gemini Soul Edition

Yep, it's that time again.  Sanctuary returns to the Land on Saturday, June 1 and we will be representing  the geminis.  In honor of Sanctuary co-founder, Replife, a gemini a well as 70's baby, we're gonna welcome the summer with some heavy funk and 70's grooves.  Shout out to the entire Sanctuary family and I'll see y'all on Saturday!

Still skeptical? Check out the Sanctuary promo video below and see for yourself.  Enjoy!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

MUAMIN COLLECTIVE: Live @ Sanctuary Cleveland 5/4/2013

In case you missed it, Muamin Collective (aLive and Zion), shut down Sanctuary last month.  In May, we held Sanctuary:  The Heavy Live Experience which showcased them alongside hometown heavyweights, Mariama Whyte and Gwen Maul.  The Neil Chastain Quartet rounds out the group with soulful instrumentation and heavy grooves inspired by aLive's beats.  Check the Mu as they perform the classics as well as tracks from their latest project, So Blue It's Black.


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sanctuary April May 2013 - The Heavy Live Experience

Once again we've commenced the new month with yet another Sanctuary of epic proportions.  We named this month Sanctuary:  The Heavy Live Experience.  Featuring music by Muamin Collective, Gwen Maul, Maryama White and the Neil Chastain Quartet.  In other words it was a Cleveland-style clash of the titans while DJ Eso and I held it down on the decks.  Don't believe me?  Check out the links below and see/hear it for yourselves.

